
Tom Dunne: My sweet Lord…the mystery of the piano that unites The Beatles, Bowie and Queen

You might not have even noticed it, but you’ve definitely heard it – the incredible instrument that has featured on so many classic tracks

So what do Bowie’s Life on Mars, The Beatles’ Hey Jude, Nilsson’s Without You and The Rats’ Don’t Like Mondays all have in common?

A simple answer is that they were all recorded in Trident Studios in Soho, but there is a more intriguing connection, almost a mystery guest on each track. A guest that is hard to find.

Trident was a ‘cool’ studio at the time when studios were anything but. Studios, when it opened its doors in early 1968, were if anything cold. Abbey Road Studios may have been providing the soundtrack to the Summer of Love but along its underheated, austere corridors it still had a whiff of Bletchley Park about it.

Its engineers wore white jackets and held utter sway over all the recording equipment. No one, absolutely no one, touched a mic but them. Tape ops were the lowest of the low. They made tea and changed reels. The engineers looked down on them. Producers, like George Martin, looked down on all of them.

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