
As the Beatles’ Let It Be turns 50, a new film looks back at the album that led to the band’s breakup

If there’s one phrase that best sums up the Beatles’ final album, Let It Be, it is this: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”.

No album made by the Fab Four began with such high hopes and no album ended with so much recrimination and inter-band hostility. Some have even suggested it was the record that broke up the Beatles.

Looking around there’s more than a little evidence to support that view. John Lennon described the music as “the shittiest load of badly recorded shit”.

George Harrison recalled the album’s creation this way: “For me to come back into the winter of discontent with the Beatles … was very unhealthy and unhappy.”

Asked about the feeling in the studio, Lennon was even more scathing: “It was just a dreadful, dreadful feeling … by the time we got to Let It Be we couldn’t play the game anymore.”

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