
John Lennon’s song for The Beatles to defend Brian Epstein’s sexuality

There are a few moments in The Beatles history when members of the band stand up for the social injustices they see in the world. Whether it was their refusal to play to segregated audiences or indeed their pursuit of gender equality, sometimes the Fab Four knew what they were doing. One such case can be seen in their song ‘You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away’, a song which many have said was written in defence of the band’s manager Brian Epstein’s sexuality. 

The song has often been lauded as the moment John Lennon began to truly connect with the pop music poet he would become and he himself suggested that the track was written during his “Dylan period.” Endlessly inspired by Bob Dylan, it’s no surprise that his influence can be felt right from the very moment the two sixties icons met. But, considering the subject matter and the timing of the song, many have suspected that, in actual fact, the song was written for Epstein as a sympathetic ear to living life as a gay man in 1960s Britain. 

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